
A manual checklist is of course no substitute for automated testing, or static analysis, of your page. A checklist can though help us catch a certain class of issues that might not be surfaced by such tools, or that might result in false positives.

Most, if not all, of the "general" items can be identified with an automated testing tool or browser plugin, such as Axe by Deque. The component specific level checklists will require manual testing.


A carousel is a composite pattern containing two left/right "paddle" buttons and a viewport. The viewport contains n items and the paddles update the content of this viewport.


Combobox is a composite pattern containing a textbox and flyout listbox. A combobox may optionally be enhanced with autocomplete behaviour (see specific guidance in the table below).


Dialogs may be modal or non-modal (less common).


Switch is an input pattern that allows user to choose between "on" & "off" states typically by executing JavaScript when toggled.


Infofip is a composite pattern with button and a flyout overlay. It discloses supplementary or advisory content about an existing onscreen element or region.


Tooltip is a composite pattern under flyout. It provides descriptive or advisory content about a control.


Tourtip is a composite pattern under flyout. It informs user of some new features or sections on the page.

We will be adding more checklists soon.

Stay tuned. more checklists for custom controls to follow...

Last updated