A horizontal viewport of grouped or ungrouped content.
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A horizontal viewport of grouped or ungrouped content.
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Carousels display a list of thematically similar items in a scrolling, horizontal viewport. Items may be entirely static (e.g. an image), entirely interactive (e.g. button) or contain a mix of static and interactive elements (e.g. a heading, image and link).
Items may be ungrouped and scrolled in a continuous manner, or grouped and scrolled via a discrete number of items.
Two pagination buttons ('Previous' & 'Next') will move to the previous slide or next slide respectively. Extra controls may allow access to specific slides (for examples, small pagination "dots" under the carousel).
You can take a look at the carousel pattern in action on our examples site.
You can get an idea of the required markup structure by viewing our bones site.
Viewport: Visible content area of the carousel. Displays a single slide.
Continuous carousel: items are ungrouped
Discrete carousel: items are grouped into slides
Slide: Contains one or more items
Item: A discrete unit of content inside of a slide (e.g. a tile or image)
Peek: A partially visible preview of an item on the next or previous slide. Peeks serves as a visual indicator that more slides exist (discrete carousel only)
Next Button/Paddle: Scrolls viewport forward / moves to next slide
Previous Button/Paddle: Scrolls viewport left / moves to previous slide
Pagination Buttons/Dots (optional): Move to specific slide. Also serve as visual indicators for total number of slides and current slide index (discrete carousel only)
Pagination Bar (optional): A scrollbar alternative to pagination buttons. Gives fuzzy visual indicator for total number of slides and current slide index
Carousel must have an associated heading in the page heading structure. For example, "Trending Deals", "Watchlist".
Items must be marked up as a list.
Previous and next buttons must use button tags.
Pagination indicators (optional) must use button tags.
Viewport content must conform to accessibility guidelines.
Peeks must not be focusable or interactive.
If the slides can automatically progress, then the carousel must include a pause/play button.
Discrete carousels should not start automatically
Continuous carousels must not start automatically
Pause/Play button should be the first interactive element in the carousel
Pause/Play button must always be visible
Automatic progression must pause when keyboard focus enters widget
Automatic progression must pause when mouse hovers over widget
This section provides interaction design for keyboard, screen reader and pointing devices.
When "previous" button has focus, TAB
key must move focus to first focusable element in view port.
When "next" button has focus, SHIFT+TAB
key must move keyboard focus to last focusable element in view port.
Items outside of view port must not be keyboard focusable. Keyboard user must use 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons to control the viewport.
When on first slide, the 'Previous' button can remain in tab-order (but should be visually disabled). This helps with issues in some browsers where controls with focus suddenly become disabled and focus is lost.
When on last slide, the 'Next' button can remain in tab-order (but should be visually disabled). This helps with with issues in some browsers where controls with focus suddenly become disabled and focus is lost.
Keyboard Focus Order Summary
Pause/Play button, if the carousel can auto-progress
Previous button
Controls (links, buttons, etc) belonging to items visible in the viewport
Next button
Pagination buttons or pagination bar, if they exist
Focus Management Summary
Activate previous or next button: focus must stay on Previous or Next button.
Activate Pause/Play button: focus must stay on the Pause/Play button.
"Next" button must be announced as “Next slide”.
"Previous" button must be announced as “Previous slide”.
If following WCAG AAA (optional), "Next" and "Previous" buttons should also announce with additional context to uniquely identify the button purpose, e.g “Previous slide - Trending Deals” and “Next slide - Trending Deals”.
Items outside of the viewport must not be reachable with the virtual cursor.
When on first slide, screen reader must announce "Previous" button as disabled.
When on last slide, screen reader must announce "Next" button as disabled.
When moving virtual cursor from item to item, screen reader might announce list index position.
Play button label must be announced as “Play carousel”.
Pause button label must be announced as “Pause carousel”.
If following WCAG AAA (optional), "Play" and "Pause" buttons should also announce with additional context to uniquely identify the button purpose, e.g “Play carousel - Trending Deals” and “Pause carousel - Trending Deals”.
Clicking "Next" must update viewport with next slide.
Clicking "Previous" must update viewport with previous slide.
Clicking pagination button or pagination bar must update viewport with respective slide.
Our sample implementation follows the Progressive Enhancement strategy; we build in a layered fashion that allows everyone to access the content of the carousel.
The three layers are:
Content (HTML)
Presentation (CSS)
Behaviour (JS)
The carousel content will be fully visible and accessible without CSS and JavaScript.
The goal of our content layer is to add the list of items. As usual we begin with our root element.
For the purposes of this example, all content will be rendered server-side. You may wish to consider lazy-loading all or some of the content with AJAX. If you do utilise lazy-loading, be aware that your content will not be available in a non-JavaScript scenario.
Carousel Buttons
The buttons must be inserted before and after the items, acting as bookends for the items.
Inside of the buttons will typically be SVG icons, which we will omit here for the sake of space.
ARIA Role Description
New to ARIA 1.1, the aria-roledescription
attribute can provide a human readable description to custom widgets. This attribute must be applied to an element with an implicit or explicit role, in which case we have chosen role=group
Notice that the role requires a label. This is a good opportunity to make use of an appropriate heading element that precedes the carousel.
Carousel Items
A carousel can contain a list of anything, for example - tiles, images, videos, static text. For our example it will be a list of video games.
Each item will contain an image, heading, format, price + shipping.
Pagination (optional)
Discrete carousels might also display some kind of pagination control - typically a set of interactive "dots" underneath the carousel itself.
In addition to allowing a user to jump directly to a specific slide, the pagination conveys two important pieces of information:
how many slides in the carousel
the current slide position of the carousel
Checkpoint (HTML)
Our content is in place. The carousel items are fully visible and accessible without CSS and JavaScript.
Again, if you consider this content non-important, you may wish to not use progressive enhancement and render the carousel in its entirety on the client. I will also add, rather wryly, if the content is not important, then why render it at all?
This section is under development.
The visual goal of the behaviour layer is to trigger custom slide transitions whenever the carousel paginates. These transitions are triggered with the "Previous", "Next" and pagination buttons (if they exist). On touch-screen devices these transitions are also triggered with swipe gestures.
The semantic goal is to ensure that any non visible carousel item is inaccessible to all users.
Implementing CSS transitions and swipe gestures are outside the scope of this guide. Instead, our main focus will be ensuring the robust, accessible state of the carousel.
Initial State
We assume the first slide will be the active slide, therefore the "Previous" button will be partially disabled.
What do we mean by partially disabled?
We say "partially" disabled when we want an inoperable button to remain keyboard focusable. The inoperable button must be aurally and visually disabled using ARIA (i.e. aria-disabled) and CSS (e.g. opacity) respectively.
Why leave the button keyboard focusable?
First of all, the button acts as a bookend, giving a strong clue to non-sighted users that they are dealing with a carousel when tabbing through page.
Secondly, these buttons may frequently flip back and forth between operable and inoperable; even while focus is on a button. This can have unexpected results in some browsers. If the button changes state to inoperable while focus is on the button, we want focus to remain in place rather than move somewhere unexpected.
This section is under development.
This section gives an overview of ARIA usage within the context of the carousel pattern.
Human readable description of this custom widget. This attribute MUST be applied to an element with an implicit or explicit role.
Explict role for aria-roledescription.
Label the group using visible onscreen text (typically a heading element).
Explicit label for group if no suitable onscreen element exists.
Used to notify user that "Next" or "Previous" buttons are in a disabled state. Screen readers will announce 'disabled,' 'dimmed,' 'unavailable,' or words to that effect.
Used to create accessible labels for graphical icon buttons (spoiler: carousel is listed as a valid use-case)